Monday 5 September 2011

Watch out, this post is sick

Having done an entire subject based on the idea of media convergence, I cringed at the thought of having to blog about it, but then I realised I could finally talk about something I know about. 

So what is media convergence? After 13 weeks of intensive discussion about this definition, it's still a bit blurry. From a technological view, it's the progression of technology and has often been described as merging of the 'Three Cs":
Using the three cs formula convergence can be defined as the flow of content through various communication channels. 

However, I like to think of it as the "Five Cs":


I added the two extra Cs because without the participation and convergence of corporations that produce and own the news there would be no content and without consumers who require the content on various platforms, there would be no need for content, communication, computing or corporations. The omission of the final two Cs was very silly of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Jenkins explains the importance of the consumer in a more glamorous manner in his 2006 paper. 
"convergence represents a cultural shift as consumers 
are encouraged to seek out new information and make connections
among dispersed media content"
I'd like to think that my Five C definition will become popular and widespread and I will be quoted in many academic journals but I'll be fine with a couple of comments from my peers.  


  1. I like how you have added the consumers and corporate elements into your definition of convergence. I think that these are just as important as the other three. I think this is due to the fact that if we dont include these elements into the equation it kind of seems a bit plain. Also with out the consumers and corporations the convergence culture would not have been such a drastic change.

  2. Hi Lauren,
    I understand your despair of having to blog about something that we keep going over and over and over in our various subjects, but I think you have a good grip on the concept of media convergence.

    I think that the other 2 C's you have added to the formula are valid, as consumers and corporations are hugely important to the idea of convergence.

    I dont know if any scholars will be filling your page with positive comments on your post, but i thought it was great regardless :)

  3. Great post!
    I think your on the right track with adding the two extra C's. Without corporations and consumers convergence isn't really fully understandable. In this day convergence, computing, communications, content, corporations
    and consumers all come hand in hand and need each other to work!

  4. 1. First off I would like to say, poor Simba! Hope he didn’t get too hurt. Your blog is very informative and I too believe that the two extra Cs need to be incorporated. Convergence of technologies benefits both corporations and consumers therefore are valid additions to your definition of convergence media.
