Thursday 28 July 2011


DIGC202 Blog Post 1

As you may have realised, I just stole the headline from the Rowse article on how to write an effective blog and even though this blog has nothing to do with making anyone sexier, I really couldn’t think of anything enticing.

Anyway, I’m Lauren Bleasdale, a 21 year old waitress and student studying a BA majoring in media and cultural studies with a minor in linguistics and a BCM majoring in Digital communications and journalism and professional writing. This semester I have undertaken 5 subjects and am dreading the course load however, it was a nice surprise when Ted said that 40% of our DIGC202 mark is allocated to “online presence” and judging by the hours I spend on Facebook, I am very present online. On Monday I increased my online presence and could be classified as a social networking fiend; I have a Facebook, a Tumblr, a Twitter account, a (very old and out of date) myspace, a blog on Wordpress from DIGC101, a google+ account, Skype, Viber and heytell accounts and now I have a blog on Blogger.

So when reading “Why Networks Matter” I completely agreed with the notion that we are all part of a global network society and todays networks know no boundaries and become interconnected. Castells also makes the very correct statement that sociability is being transformed by the internet and the networks it creates for example, virtual communities. These virtual communities change the common notions of time and space. When applying this theory to my own life, I know that because of the internets capabilities, I am able to speak to my best friend, who is currently living in Argentina, whenever I like. In my case, Skype has reduced the physical space between the countries and allows me to speak to her face-to-face (through a computer/iPhone) in real time.

Personally, I think this has been an ok first blog post and possibly has made me appear sexier in the eyes of other bloggers so PLEASE comment and let me know what you think.

GIF from here

Castells, M. (2004) 'Afterword: why networks matter'. In Network Logic: Who governs in an 
interconnected world? (pp. 219-224) [URL:]

Rowse, D. (2008). Nine Signs of an Effective Blog Post. [URL:]


  1. Hey Lauren...totally agree with you on your point of global networks changing the concept of time and space! I'm planing on moving to Mexico next year and have absolutely no fear of homesickness due to skype, Facebook and my other online presences. Goodluck with your hectic courseload :)

  2. great start on the blog, i think that I would definately have to join you on the team of social network fiend ahh.

    p.s. enjoy your 5 subjects, yuck!

  3. :) social networking fiend for the win!

  4. Instantly more attractive!That google+ membership really got my heart pumping....

  5. Blogging really does make you sexier ... In a nerdy kind of way!
    To be honest I think networking makes you sexier ... with the multitude of social networking accounts you have you must be one sexy women ;) hahaha!

    Your point about virtual communities and skyping your friend in Argentina really makes me think about how much we rely on the internet and how we take it for granted!

    Goodluck doing five subjects you're very brave!!!

  6. Great title! Definitely cause my attention.

    Its actually incredible how the net is changing the way we form and maintain relationships. I recently saw a quote that said because of social media we are "losing some of the ability to build interpersonal communication that's necessary for living together and building a community." Does anyone have an opinion on this? Is social media enhancing our social lives by simply adding another dimension to them, or are we losing the ability to communicate face to face?
